Can You Do Keratin Treatment on Dyed Hair?

keratin treatment on dyed hair

A keratin treatment is responsible for restructuring your hair from root to tip. Therefore it repairs the hair fiber and nourishes it. Commonly we imagine that the only advantage of applying this treatment is to straighten our hair without having to mistreat it with equipment such as dryers, irons, and spray to fix and straighten hair.

Keratin goes beyond just straightening hair and is one of the most popular techniques and in which there is a range of products to repair our hair and show strong and silky hair.

So, can you do a keratin treatment on dyed hair?

Yes, you can do a keratin treatment on dyed hair, but you should bear in mind that to apply both treatments you must wait 15 days not to combine two chemical treatments.

You can dye your hair first and wait 15 days to apply the keratin or you apply the keratin and after 15 days you dye the hair.

Pros of a keratin treatment

  • Nourishes hair and repairs it by rebuilding the hair fiber.
  • It is easier to comb because of the silky hair.
  • Eliminate frizzy hair.
  • Increases shine and natural hair color.
  • The hair is left with a stronger appearance.
  • There is a variety of products that suit the type of hair, whether it is oily, dry, brittle, and dull.

Cons of a keratin treatment

  • There are formaldehyde keratin treatments that are toxic to health; it is recommended to use masks to avoid inhaling the product.
  • You can not collect the hair for at least 3 days to take effect and do not mistreat the hair with hooks, garters, and combs.
  • Water cuts off the effect of keratin during the first 3 days.
  • They are more expensive in the market.
  • Apply it in ventilated places as they can cause allergic reactions.
  • It cannot be applied to all types of hair as it can break weaker hair.

How long does the keratin treatment last?

The treatment has a duration that varies between 3 and 5 months, however, this treatment can be prolonged by taking care of the hair and using the correct products to lengthen the functions of the keratin, so you should use a sulfate-free shampoo and masks that contain keratin, so you can prolong the treatment up to 8 months.

Can you do a keratin treatment and color on the same day?

Professionals advise against applying keratin and hair dyes on the same day as both are chemical treatments that directly affect the cuticle opening, modify the structure of the strands, damage the hair, leave it dull and dry.

So after this, you should not combine these treatments that affect the health of your hair.

Does the hair dye ruin keratin?

Applying the keratin leaves a thin layer that takes time to penetrate and bond to the hair to strengthen each fiber from the core, therefore if you apply a dye without waiting for the keratin to do its job, the hair will not absorb the dye pigments avoiding hair coloring.

However, it will not affect the keratin treatment since it will not dissolve or interfere with the keratin penetration process.

Does keratin affect hair color?

  • Keratin can modify the tonality of the hair if you apply it in recent days of coloring the hair.
  • It will affect according to the time in which you apply the treatment if you dye first and wait 15 days it does not lighten or darken the tone of the hair.
  • Keratin does not change the tonality of natural hair, that is, it has never been subjected to the application of a dye.
  • If you have your hair painted black or bluish-black, the keratin will lighten the hair tone to its previous tone, so you must first apply the straightening and after 15 days dye the hair so as not to interrupt each treatment.
  • If the hair is dyed red or reddish-brown, the keratin will lighten the hair tone, so you should apply a darker shade to balance both treatments and obtain the preferred color.

Can you do keratin on bleached hair?

You can apply the keratin treatment after 4 weeks of bleaching the hair. The reason for waiting so long is because the bleaching breaks down the fatty acids in the hair shaft causing the hair to weaken and dry out.

If you apply the keratin that a heat source needs, be it the iron or dryer to seal the treatment, the hair will be lifeless since you will remove moisture and loss of natural oils from the hair.

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