Gummy Hair After Bleaching? What To Do!


We consider different hairstyles to get a stylish and impressive look. However, chemicals do not go well and damage your hair. If you have ever done bleaching, you might have experienced gummy hair. In this article, we will know more about gummy hair and how to fix it.

What Is Gummy Hair?

Gummy hair means sticky hair. You can have gummy hair after bleaching and other styling procedures. This condition occurs when the support system of your hair gets damaged.

It mostly happens after any chemical treatment including bleaching. However, you can fix gummy hair and restore the charm and softness of your hair naturally.

What Does It Mean When Your Hair Feels Gummy After Bleaching?

You might be aware that bleaching is a chemical process and can be aggressive to your hair. During the process, your hair becomes weak, dull, and gummy. This chemical process can make your beautiful and smooth hair gummy, yellow, and stretchy.

Bleaching is a process that removes your natural hair color. For this, the beautician will use an activator known as hydrogen peroxide. This process can burn the scalp and can cause more harm when not done properly.

You will have to rinse it well to minimize the impact. You will have to follow the exact time as well. However, even if you take all the required steps to make it safe, it is going to weaken your hair.

You might experience gummy hair as well. You need to fix the condition as soon as you notice it to avoid further damage.

How to Fix It

You can fix this condition on your own without visiting a dermatologist. Here are a few proven ways to fix gummy hair after bleaching.

Avoid Frequent Washing

We normally wash our hair more frequently when it is stretchy or gummy. But this is going to worsen the condition. You should not wash your head every day since the shampoo contains a lot of chemicals and that can harm your hair more instead of improving the condition.

Avoid using shampoo and use hand soap for your hair. You can consider washing only twice a week in the first three to four weeks after bleaching. After that, you can use a sulfate-free shampoo.

Revitalize Your Hair

When your hair is gummy, you will have to take care of the nutrients to revitalize your hair. You can use oily creams and other products that can nourish your hair. You should not expect immediate benefits.

A consistent effort is a must to restore your healthy, straight, and shiny hair. You can use coconut oil, almond oil, or argan oil. All these are natural solutions and will not damage your hair in any manner.

Try Hair Masks

You can try hair masks to treat gummy hairs. Normally, we keep hair masks on hair for only half an hour or even less. However, you can maximize the benefits by keeping it overnight.

This is the key to treat weak or damaged hair. If it is not possible to use masks overnight, you can keep them for more than an hour to get the best out of them. Repeat the process every week to experience noticeable benefits. It is best to use natural hair masks.

You can prepare one by using banana, egg, or avocado. All these are easily available.

Do not Use Flat Iron

While treating gummy hair, you will have to avoid chemical hair styling and hot treatments such as curler or flat iron. Hot treatments can damage your hair further. If it is a must, you consider applying a protector, and then you can use a curler.

You can regain the life and vigor of your hair little by little. Consistent effort can speed up the process!

Should I Avoid Bleaching?

Bleaching is a chemical process and will harm your hair. However, you can do it a couple of times to get the desired look if your hair supports the process.

Can I Use Vitamins and Nutrients to Treat Gummy Hair?

Yes, vitamins can restore the health of your hair. You need to take the right vitamins and supplements so do your research.

Can I Tie My Hair After Bleaching?

No, bleached hair lacks elasticity. So, you should minimize any kind of stretch or pressure.

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