How To Use Rose Petals For Your Hair?

how to use rose petals for your hair

For a long time, roses have been considered a symbol of beauty and love. However, the petals of the roses can be included in your beauty routine when it comes to taking care of your hair to obtain many benefits since its delicate aroma evokes sensuality and calm, in addition to this, it is shown that the rose petals, both it’s water and its oil, fight dandruff.

Although rose petals are popularly used for skincare, the scalp also gets great benefits, because, due to its antioxidant characteristics, it is responsible for nourishing the scalp and stimulating hair growth, as well as is also responsible for removing dead cells that cause dandruff.

“How to use rose petals for your hair?”

Rose petals can be used on your hair in two ways.

Rose petal hair mask

The first way we will mention is a mask created based on rose petals to stimulate hair growth, to which bicarbonate will also be added to improve the benefits that have been mentioned.

For the preparation of this mask the following ingredients will be needed:

  • Half a cup of water (125 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g).
  • 20 rose petals.

The mask should be prepared as follows:

You place the rose petals in a mortar in which you must grind them and then include the baking soda and half a cup of water; Once all the ingredients are included, you must mix them until a homogeneous paste.

When the mixture is already homogeneous, you can proceed to apply it to your scalp; You will have to massage your leather hair together with the mask for about 5 minutes. Afterward, let it act for 15 minutes and then rinse it with plenty of freshwaters.

Rosewater for your hair

The second way in which you can apply the rose petals to benefit your hair is to prepare them with rose water.

To prepare the rose water you will need:

  • 17.5 oz of rose petals (500 grams)
  • A pot with its respective lid
  • 2 cups of mineral water
  • A glass container.

You should select the rose petals that should preferably be red rose petals since red roses have a better fragrance.

Step 1 – To prepare it you have to fill the pot with half a liter of water and incorporate the petals.

Step 2 – Then place the pot on the stove, cover it verifying that the steam is not going to escape, since steam is what contains the essential oils of the roses, and then let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

Step 3 – Once ready, strain it so that only the water of the petals remains, let it cool to pass it to a sterilized glass container, and then put it in the fridge.

This water is prepared based on rose petals, you can use it to soften and moisturize your hair, for this, you must take the shampoo of your choice and take half of the shampoo from the container.

The shampoo you have taken can be stored in another container that is clean and disinfected, properly covered, to be able to use later.

In the half that you left in the shampoo container, you should incorporate the rose water to the extent of the half that is missing.

The method of application is very simple, it is only about washing your hair as you normally do, applying the shampoo that you have mixed with the rose water, and then rinse it with plenty of water.

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