How To Wear Orange Lipstick?

orange lipstick

If you like lipsticks, today we bring you some tips that will teach you how to use the orange lipstick properly. At this time of the year (autumn/winter), one of the colors that will be in trend is precisely orange. You will see this tone a lot in both clothes and makeup. But lipstick is the most common because of the versatility it gives to any look.

Normally, the lipsticks used in this season are those of wine, brown, red, or dark tones. But we can also wear bright lips if we know how to use the orange lipstick correctly.

Definitely, using orange lipstick helps highlight the look and gives warmth to the face.

Something we definitely want to achieve in wintertime. Not to mention that it is a color that goes well with any skin tone. It is only a matter of choosing the ideal orange color according to our skin tone. We will talk about this below.

Who can pull off orange lipstick?

As we said before, orange lipstick can be worn by any girl. It’s all about choosing which one is right according to our skin tone.

As with any other lipstick color, the orange lipstick has different shades. For example, there is orange throwing red or there are throwing copper. Obviously, there are also lipsticks that are purely orange and very intense.

Below we give you some examples of orange lipsticks that you can use perfectly according to your skin tone. However, you should keep in mind that it’s not just about choosing the color. It is also very important to know how to apply it properly.

Achieving the perfect application and the ideal result is not difficult. It’s a matter of following some simple tips. So if you want to know how to use orange lipstick properly, read on.

Tips for using the orange lipstick


The right eyeliner

First, do not use eyeliner of the same orange color as lipstick. Simply, opt for one in a nude color to define the entire outer edge of your lips. This way you will avoid too strong contrast.

Keep it natural

This type of lip color can be used with any look. However, our recommendation is that you use a natural look in the eyes so as not to load the face so much. The orange lipstick alone will make your face stand out, as we said before.

Avoid illuminators

Especially if you are going to use neon orange lipstick, avoid using illuminators on the face too noticeable at all costs. Otherwise, you will look too charged and flashy. With a lipstick of this intensity, the idea is to make the lips the protagonists of the look.

Pick the right orange for your skin tone

Choose the one that goes with your skin tone. If you are light-skinned, opt for a soft orange lipstick with peach subtones. If you are medium-skinned, opt for a more raised tone lipstick like Milani Sweet Nectar. But if you are dark-skinned, your ideal option is a dark orange like Milani Orange Gina.

Exfoliate the lips

If you are dry-lipped or have stretch marks, these striking colors will make them notice more. Therefore, its application will not be the perfect one if you apply it as is. But do not worry. In these cases, it is advisable to exfoliate the lips. Also, humidify them with some balm before using the orange lipstick.

Matte or glossy?

This brings us to this other piece of advice. If you are dry lips, avoid matte lipsticks at all costs in this color. We already know that matte lipsticks tend to dry the lips even more and in this tone, the effect looks much more.

Redness in your face?

If you suffer from rosacea or have a lot of redness on your face, the orange tone on the lips will make the redness of your face more noticeable. For this, there is also a solution. Simply use a good base with full coverage and seal it with powder. Preferably, apply a pre-base in a green tone to counteract the redness of the face.

Go slowly

If you have never used orange lipstick as such, go slowly. Do not apply lipsticks with very intense orange tones because you will not feel comfortable. In these cases, it is better to opt for soft coral tones. So you get used to it and make the transition little by little.


So far the tips on how to use the orange lipstick properly. As you can see, we can all wear orange lipstick. It’s all about knowing how to combine and apply.

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